The turbulent yen exchange rate !! Dont miss the chance to learn Forex with "Say Hello to Blackjack"!nEasily master FX from 0! This is a beginner-friendly Forex guide!
【FX】ってリスクが高そう。NO!かなり意外なことに、ルールは簡単&ポイントを押さえればリスクはかなり抑えられます! ●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○FXを0から簡単にマスター!初心者にやさしいFXガイド!オススメFX会社も徹底比較●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○FXはここ数年で一気に広まって、個人投資家も増え、すっかり定番人気商品の仲間入りをしました。でも、ちょっと前までは名前を知っている人も少なく、「FX?それ何?」という次元の話でした。何でこんなにも一気にFXがメジャーになれたのか。答えはただ1つ!数ある金融投資の中でも【もっとも投資家にとって魅力がある商品だから】ということです。キャンペーンが超充実しているFX会社、手数料(スプレッド)が圧倒的に低価格なFX会社、取扱通貨数が多いFX会社…FX会社の特徴は様々!比較をして、自分にピッタリなFX会社を選びましょう!FX会社選び、活用法もワンポイントアドバイス●FXのキホンFXって、そもそも何?どうやるの?利益を得る仕組みや、魅力・リスクをここで、すごくわかりやすくご紹介!FXって、どんなに円高でも円安でも利益が出せるって知っていますか?やり方さえ間違えなければ、投資リスクも格段に低い商品なんです!でも、デメリットも、もちろんあるので気を付けて!回避法も伝授します。ここではそんな【FX】の大枠をつかみましょう。●FX取引を始めようキホンが読み終えたら、次は取引方法!取引スタートする前の心構えから、稼ぎ方・各国通貨の特徴まで。FXで勝つための重要ポイントも解説します。「あれ?意外にFXって簡単?」と思って頂けるように、できる限り読みやすく書いてみました!●自分に合うFX会社は!?取引を始めるにあたって、失敗しないFX会社の選び方をレクチャーします!FXは、たくさんの銘柄がある株式投資と比較しても、取引対象が少ないので銘柄選択など簡単です。最初は、リスクを極力少なくして確実に儲けを取っていき、慣れてきて資産も増えれば、有利なハイレバレッジや、スワップポイントなども活用してみましょう。●FX用語集専門用語がちょいちょい出てくるFX。そんな?の状況の時に、お役に立てるようたくさんの用語を詰め込んだ用語集を作りました。分からない単語が出現した時には、覗いてみて下さい。(もし、収録されていなかったら申し訳ないです…できる限り頑張って詰め込んでみました…)●おすすめのFX会社ランキングFX初心者のために、多角的な視点から選んだ会社をランキング形式で紹介!各FX会社に関するコメントも記載!是非参考にしてみて下さい。為替の変動が激しい昨今…。どんなに円高でも円安でも利益が出せるFXでお得にお小遣いを稼いでみませんか?!一番大切なのはよ……為替変動に克つ力だぜ……と、いうことで、一緒に「FX」について勉強をして投資家デビューしましょう【このアプリで紹介しているFX会社】 FX,, 外為どっとコム, 外為オンライン,GMOクリック証券,YJFX!,FXプライムなど主要ネットFX会社※本アプリは紹介している各FX会社とは無関係です。各FX会社の手数料や諸条件はそれぞれのFX会社のHPにて今一度ご確認をお願いいたします。[FX] seems to have a high risk.NO!Quite surprisingly, the rules are simple & if you hold down the points, the risk is considerably reduced!● ○ ● ○ ● ○ ● ○ ● ○ ● ○ ● ○ ● ○ ● ○ ● ○ ● ○ ● ○Easily master FX from 0!Beginner-friendly Forex guide!Thorough comparison of recommended Forex companies● ○ ● ○ ● ○ ● ○ ● ○ ● ○ ● ○ ● ○ ● ○ ● ○ ● ○ ● ○Forex has spread all at once in the last few years, the number of individual investors has increased, and it has become one of the most popular products.However, until a while ago, few people knew the name, and it was a story of the dimension "FX? What?".Why did FX become a major player at once? There is only one answer!Among the many financial investments, it is [because it is the most attractive product for investors].Forex companies with superb campaigns, Forex companies with overwhelmingly low commissions (spreads), Forex companies with a large number of currencies ... The characteristics of Forex companies are various!Lets compare and choose the Forex company that suits you best!One point advice on how to choose an FX company and how to use it● FX KihonWhat is FX in the first place? how can I do?Introducing the profit-making mechanism, attractiveness and risks here in a very easy-to-understand manner!Do you know that Forex can make a profit no matter how strong or weak the yen is?If you dont make a mistake, the investment risk is extremely low!But of course there are some disadvantages, so be careful! We will also teach you how to avoid it.Here, lets grasp the outline of such [FX].● Lets start Forex tradingAfter reading Kihon, the next step is how to trade! From the attitude before starting trading to how to earn and the characteristics of each countrys currency.I will also explain the important points to win in Forex.I wrote it as easy to read as possible so that you can think "Oh? Surprisingly FX is easy?"● Which Forex company suits you! ??We will give a lecture on how to choose a Forex company that will not fail when you start trading!Forex is easy to select stocks because there are few trading targets compared to stock investment with many stocks.At first, try to make a profit by minimizing the risk as much as possible, and if you get used to it and increase your assets, take advantage of advantageous high leverage and swap points.● FX GlossaryFX where technical terms come out a little. Is that so? I made a glossary packed with a lot of terms to help you in this situation.If you come across a word you dont understand, take a look. (Im sorry if it wasnt recorded ... I tried as hard as I could ...)● Recommended Forex company rankingIntroducing companies selected from multiple perspectives in a ranking format for Forex beginners! Comments on each Forex company are also included! Please refer to it.Nowadays, the exchange rate is volatile ...Why dont you make a profit with FX that can make a profit no matter how strong or weak the yen is? !!The most important thing is ...Its the power to overcome exchange fluctuations ...So lets study "FX" together and make our debut as an investor[FX company introduced in this app] FX ,, Forex Dotcom, Forex Online, GMO Click Securities, YJFX !, FX Prime, etc. Major online FX companies* This application has nothing to do with each Forex company introduced. Please check the fees and conditions of each Forex company once again on the website of each Forex company.